Thursday 12 January 2012

Arses and elbows...

I can still remember wincing when I read, some years ago, the story of the surgeons in a Welsh hospital who accidentally removed a healthy kidney, leaving the diseased kidney in the patient's body. Hot on the heels of that story came the next tale of welsh surgical horror. This confession tells of woman who had a right knee joint inserted into the left knee. Yet another case of cutting edge surgical skills here in the land of song.

Today the welsh news is reporting the story of the surgeon in Wales who mistook a woman's liver for a cancerous kidney he was trying to remove. There are 17 year old lads working as butcher's assistants that could have got this right.

Any doctors or surgeons working in large Welsh hospitals might like to cut out and keep this handy anatomical reference I've provided on the right.

And I know it's not easy, this right and left business but your right hand is usually the one you write and wipe your arse with. This is not always the case and perhaps it's best if you check it out with a friend.
Today's run at 18:17
Distance4.09 kmTime22:33
Pace5:31 min/kmCadence81 spm
Comments: Clear. Fresh.

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